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With more shows to choose from than any other City in the World, You might feel overwhelmed deciding on one. But if You narrow Your preference to a category, You can make Your decision much easier. If Your interest is in a Cirque du soleil show, why browse through the Comedy and Adult shows? If You want to see Britney or Mariah or JLo just browse the Concerts and headliners. Don't like huge theaters and big crowds? Choose an afternoon Show for a much lower price. A Dinner and Show combo is a great value and saves time to do other things that day. |
Zombie Burlesque
B - A TRIBUTE to The Beatles
What are those Card Slappers doing on the strip? Do They annoy You, like They do most People? They are advertising Escorts and it brings millions to Las Vegas. Prostitution is not legal in Las Vegas but Most People seem to think so. In the old days there were plenty of working Girls in the Casino and it caused a lot of problems. Now there are thousands of Girls available in the Escort network that are safe and accounted for. It is a more safe system for the Girls and The City makes a great deal of tax revenue. Read more.......
Resort Fees Updated: What You need to know
Most of the Las Vegas Strip is now charging for parking, See what they are charging and how You can still park for FREE
Is Marijuana Legal in Las Vegas? Read About it
Comedy Pet Theater
More about the High Roller and Tickets
Can I bring My dog to Vegas? What Hotels allow them? Can I bring my dog in the Casino? read here......
Zumanity Dancers preform outside New York New York, We have this show at a special discounted price. This Cirque du Soleil show is the Adult version
MAVERICK HELICOPTERS, You have seen them flying over the Strip but they also fly over the Grand Canyon and Hoover Damn. They have a new terminal just minutes from Your Strip Hotel |
Take care of Your Bucket List in Las Vegas. You could cross off years worth of bucket list items in and all over Vegas in just one trip. Not only can You cross off most of Your bucket list, You can have a great time doing it and at a fraction of what it would cost to travel to different locations for each one.
If You have not been to Las Vegas lately, You haven't been to Las Vegas. Gambling is no longer the focus of the Resorts. Vegas still offers the best gambling in the World but it is not number one anymore (Macau). Nightclubs, Dayclubs, Shows, Restaurants and Shopping are all the rave now. People that used to get free rooms are only getting a discount, People that used to get a discount are now getting nothing because Vegas really doesn't need Your gambling time, They want You to see a Show, eat a 40 dollar buffet or a 200 dollar meal at a celebrity owned restaurant. The Shopping is way over the top, luxury. The mega Resorts are making much more money leasing shopping space and night club space than they ever did with Gambling. Now plenty of People visit Vegas and never spend a penny gambling and do not miss it.
New games are popping up all the time so there is always something new to see in Las Vegas.
The vast majority of Las Vegas Resort Casinos are publicly owned. Check out the details here.
Downtown Las Vegas is going through a rough patch to say the least. The City is running the package stores out of town. Downtown Las Vegas is erasing everything good that was accomplished the last 10 years, You can skip downtown on Your next trip. The Downtown Hotel Casinos worked together to create the Fremont Street Experience, it was awesome when it was first built. The City is blaming the package stores for the uptick in crime but it is the Casinos that are to blame. The casinos are the ones selling the high content alcohol in huge containers at stand alone bars outside the doors.
See our best group of Cheap Vegas Show Tickets
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With more shows to choose from than any other City in the World, You might feel overwhelmed deciding on one. But if You narrow Your preference to a category, You can make Your decision much easier. If Your interest is in a Cirque du soleil show, why browse through the Comedy and Adult shows? If You want to see Britney or Mariah or JLo just browse the Concerts and headliners. Don't like huge theaters and big crowds? Choose an afternoon Show for a much lower price. A Dinner and Show combo is a great value and saves time to do other things that day. |
Free or Cheap Hotel rooms in Vegas
report illegal smoking, including dope smoking
People smoke more when they gamble or drink and in Las Vegas drinking and gambling is how the City was built so smoking is just a by product. read more.....
Top Venues for Las Vegas Concerts:
Mandalay Bay Beach and arena
The Park at T Mobile Arena is now open! See What it looks like, photos and video.
Westgate (off strip)